When you ask why

It’s something I’m asked quite often. 

Why do I write?

I guess it’s pretty much obvious. But, if you may ask Me, it’s because I would like to have my thoughts down on a paper. I need some clarity.

It’s a desire to know more about my thoughts and how my mind is designed. It’s basically having my life in a poem, but they say words won’t suffice and that’s why my dear, I might write an endless tale, an emotional poem, an angry debate in the form of a prose and a fairytale for the fantasies of life and yet again my words would fall short to say what I have on my mind.

That chaos, it needs an outlet and my writing gives that to me.

A beautiful expression of love, simplicity and complexities of life, roaring anger or just grave sadness or exploring  creativity. It’s all in writing.

I hope you get that. 

Good day to all of You,


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