Let me in

Let me fold the corners-
Of your being.
Let me pace my index,
Across your thoughts!
Let me percolate within,
The depths of your soul;
Let me straighten the crease
That has crept in your heart.
Let me intertwine my fingers
With yours;
Let our souls collide
Your energy with mine.
Let my embrace be your abode
Let me in as I for sure
Can’t let myself out.

Moonlit Night


Its a moonlit night
Shining down on us,
Starry eyed the velvet sky-
Of blue so deep & vermilion.
On the brink of extinction-
“Fear” tonight;
Bidding farewell to the
Redundant thoughts,
That are now beyond the mind
Which craved for peace once
Is now clothed in solace.
With every crease of passing time
Abandoning thoughts far behind;
Embellishing the moment
With caressing wind & energy divine.