#8 Haiku: Self-realization

To learn about Sahaja Yoga, kindly click on the following link: https://www.freemeditation.com/sahaja-yoga/
To take your self-realization, kindly leave a comment down here or you can click on the above mentioned link to get your realization. Also, you may contact me to get the information regarding the nearest Sahaja Yoga centre wherein you can take your self-realization in person and meet the other Sahaja Yogis.

“Redundant thoughts fixed

Through Self-realization

Blooming Lotuses.”

~Shambhavi ©

To learn about Sahaja Yoga, kindly click on the following link: https://www.freemeditation.com/sahaja-yoga/
To take your self-realization, kindly leave a comment down here or you can click on the above mentioned link to get your realization. Also, you may contact me to get the information regarding the nearest Sahaja Yoga centre wherein you can take your self-realization in person and meet the other Sahaja Yogis.

It’s Okay..


It’s okay to feel lost at times,
It’s okay to not have a plan;
It’s okay to not seek, want or need.
But it isn’t okay to stay stagnant!
It isn’t okay to stay imbalanced,
It isn’t okay to self-deprecate!
It’s time, to love oneself,
It’s time, to feel joy in our hearts,
It’s time, to give up the pessimism!
Oh yes, it’s time to say yes~
To yourself,
To peace of mind,
To getting rid of everything that’s stopping you;
From achieving all that you want, need or seek.

P.S: First, love yourself & be kind! Sending sunshine your way! Have a great day peeps!🌞🌞😇😇🙏

#5 Black & White Series: Stairway to Heaven or Hell?!

“There’s still time to change the road you’re on…”

~ Robert Plant

Open your heart, let your fear dwindle away &
surrender yourself to the divine energy that surrounds.
Let the consciousness that you’re take over.

Where are we headed!? I guess it’s high time we press pause for a while and contemplate our deeds. Let’s stay in the present, let’s be kind & fill our hearts with love & joy for oneself and for other.


I'm changing at every turn of life
But the folded corners of me remain untouched
I'm changing at every turn of time
But the spirit that I'm continues to shine
I'm changing at every turn of emotion
But I'm still learning to witness before reacting
I'm changing at every turn of the circumstances
But the strength that I'm is still within me
I'm changing with every wave of ocean
But the drop that I'm, I evanesce in the same water
Where I lose my I and become one with the whole.
I'm changing all the time
But the love and compassion within abides.


I mostly write poems to express myself, but I would like to write my feelings down and this time I choose to write it here at word press. Well, I believe in optimism and prefer writing positive things rather than concentrating on the negativity! But I wouldn’t lie that I have not touched the dark areas that exists in everybody’s life at some point or other while jotting down a poem or a #FROM MY DIARY posts or #MY THOUGHTS posts. So, here I am, and by now you all would have noticed that I am having a hard time writing things straight forward; kindly bear with me and my shenanigans! 

Ahh, I’m finally done procrastinating and here I am actually writing about it. My mother often complains that I don’t face situations as it is, I prefer dealing with it at a later date, mostly when things get out of hands. I have denied this to her and to anyone who mentions that I prefer or rather love to postpone things or dealing with things; oh don’t you think that I am lazy or I don’t like working my ass off. That ain’t true my friend, I love working as hard as it gets and give my best to whatever has been allotted to me or I choose to do it myself! But, now it’s high time that I realize that procrastination is the worst attribute to possess and I would very much like to work at it and likely so face the situation then and there. 

IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! Well no point in thinking ahead right? Talking about procrastination, things I have done so far that reflects this very attribute are (yeah I’m daring enough to list it out here):

  1. Ignored swelling over my knee joint (recent most, I am still having a swelling over my knee which is secondary to the another negative attribute I possess which I shall share in my next post of Negative Attributes, let’s make it a series then, what say? Do I hear, “Yay” or Nay”? )
  2. Ignored pain in my wrist joint (diagnosed with Tenosynovitis of right wrist and well, this I alone can’t be blamed for not getting appropriately treated for this, as I am lactating and the treatment advised by an Orthopedic was complete immobilization (wearing forearm splint 24×7) of the wrist for 3-4 weeks and perhaps casting was another option for the same which definitely would have been difficult as I have a small baby with me. So it was basically not an option, but I did wear the splint during office hours (uhh, I don’t have an office as I am a final year postgrad pursuing MD in Community Medicine). 
  3. I try to push everything, even my work at college, I tend to keep everything for the end and then on the final day I freak out and pull an all night-er, which is not that feasible given the current situation.
  4. I have listed a few and there are a lot more instances where I prefer to postpone or try to sleep it off, as if its a headache or a hangover. Sadly, that’s not the case.

Now, I guess I would like to change this attitude, and would love to reform myself. Any supporters out there? who may have faced similar issues and end up reacting the same way as I do then do write to me in the comment section. Would love to get in touch and may be try to figure how to get rid of the procrastinating habit and face everything on my plate.

That’s all for today!

Thank you for hearing me out.


Happy Holidays!



#7 From my Diary: Within or Without

It’s within us
or without us.
We try to stay within the lines
drawn by our fears,
withdrawn by our mind!
We ought to let the colors bleed-
of our soul
outside the lines,
that has less to do with
the mind,
while everything to do with our heart.
Open up dear friend
as world out there
is not welcoming,
but you can be
the one that opens the world
for another.

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For previous posts of From My Diary Series, click on the following links:

#6 From my Diary: Faith in Thyself

#5 FROM MY DIARY: One sided conversation (01.05.2018)

#2 FROM MY DIARY: 08.02.18
#1 FROM MY DIARY: 06.08.17