Liebster Award


Second Blog Award in one week. Yay! *Happy Dance*
I was nominated for Liebster Award by this beautiful blogger, Soumya Gupta. She is a great writer, do visit her blog.
Congratulations dear! Thank you so much for nominating me, for this award. I would love to share my thoughts and I enjoyed reading yours’ as well. I had written my first post in July’14, but I actually began my journey only recently, about two months back.
In this short period of time, I have met so many beautiful souls, with creativity and love for art in their heart. Everyone has contributed to my bag of inspiration and don’t worry, this bag is open to all 🙂
Liebster Award:Yet another award to know my secrets 😛

Here are my answers to questions asked by Soumya:

Q1. What is the basic idea behind your blog?
I am a learner. I believe we all are. We keep grasping new information and revising the old ones in our day to day life. To learn and to inspire, was the idea behind penning my thoughts down here.

Q2. Describe yourself in a word.
I guess I will just delete all the spaces and glue it together, to make a desirable one?  😛
Creativesoul. Yes that’s me.

Q3. Your dream job?
Well, always wanted to be a doctor and I am one!  🙂

Q4. Disneyland or Tomorrowland?
Probably, stick to present. Live today.

Q5. If this was you last day, what would you be probably doing right now?
Spending time with family.

Q6. What do you usually do for fun?
Look Good, feel good: Go shopping!
Get dressed and sip Hazelnut Cappucino at a nearby cafe.

Q7. Where would you go on your dream vacation and why?
Oh! I would love to go to Bali. By the water is where I would love to be.
Q8. Are you happy with the life you’re living?
That’s a tricky one. 🙂 Yes.

Q9. One novel you would like to recommend me and why?
A Thousand Splendid Suns-Khaled Hosseini.
His work is amazing.
I think you have mentioned a novel based on a similar theme.

Q10. State your favourite quote and it’s author.

“When God pushes you to the edge of difficulty, trust Him fully, because only two things can happen. Either, He will catch you when you fall or teach you how to fly. “-Unknown

This quote has been a part of my life for a very long time. 🙂

Soumya, Thank you once again. It was a wonderful experience writing these
answers, gave me an opportunity to introspect. 😀

Here’s the list of bloggers I would like to nominate for the award :
Prateek Kohli
Soumya Gupta
Echoes of Life

My set of rapid fire for the nominated blogs:
Q1. What is your motivating word?
Q2. What is it, that you want to achieve at present or in near future?
Q3. An animal you would love to share your life with?
Q4. Your idea behind this blog?
Q5. Music genre of choice? Mention the artist/song close to your heart.
Q6. Your thoughts on love?
Q7. One colour that can change your mood?
Q8. Favourite quote?
Q9. Hobbies other than blogging?
Q10. Recommend a dish I must try.

Rules :
👉Once you are nominated, make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you.
👉Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post too.
👉Nominate 10 other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on one of their posts. You can also nominate the person who nominated you.
👉Ensure all of these bloggers have less than 200 followers.
👉Answer the ten questions asked to you by the person who nominated you, and make ten questions of your own for your nominees.
👉Lastly, COPY these rules in the post.
Happy Blogging guys!
I am eager to read all your answers. 😀

13 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Soumya Gupta says:

    Thanks for nominating again Shambhavi! Your answers are so interesting 🙂 I want to go to Bali too *.* i’ll definitely read A thousand splendid suns 😀
    And thanks for praising my blog in the beginning! :*
    You and your blog rock! Keep up the good work, girl!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Prateek Kohli says:

    Congratulations Shambhavi and thank you so much for the nomination ! I am sure all your patients go back with a wide grin after meeting such a sparkling doctor. And yes, ‘A thousand splendid suns’ is indeed a masterpiece. I am now reading ‘And the mountains echoed’ of Khaled Hosseini just because I couldn’t get enough of his writing. 🙂
    I promise to answer all the questions in two days 😀


    • shambhavi31 says:

      Wow! Your words ring with tons of positive resonance, that continues to echo and echo 🙂 Yes, his book is amazing. I am yet to complete Kite Runner. I will definitely read And the mountains echoed ^_^
      Exams are more important, prepare well, All the best for your exams, leave a note on positivity for the examiner too. :PYou never know, those words might be the only word that would brighten up his day! 😛 Just kidding. I am happy after reading your post. Maybe it’s your post effect.

      Liked by 1 person

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