You were sent by God,
My savior!
To pull me out:
of the dungeon-
Of misery and gloom.
You saved me,
You saved my soul.
Your caressing touch,
Doused in love and kindness,
Healed the wounds,
That bled on every touch!
Your eyes did the magic,
I got lost in them,
Traversing through your open soul-
I found my shore.
Our shore of oneness,
Our abode of love,
I drowned in the sea of our emotions-
Only to drown the suffering,
I came afloat, to you-
My savior.
I failed to resist your magnetism,
Your kind soul pulled me in.
I’m glad I failed there,
I’m glad I stopped running.
We started with our perfect ‘Nirvana‘,
We made it eternal with not one promise,
But seven vows.
Seven vows of heaven!
And then, Nothing else mattered!

39 thoughts on “NIRVANA

      • Nisthur Anadi says:

        That’s great !
        If you don’t mind , I wanted to know, what’s your source of inspiration .
        You are on right track, who is your mentor ?
        Having faith in spirituality means you are blessed. But from you are getting blessing is a question?
        Just curious, to know…if you don’t mind sharing.

        Liked by 1 person

        • shambhavi31 says:

          Hey there! Source of inspiration is me, the nature and the situations and people we encounter in day to day life. I just wanted one thing, peace. That was back in 2014. I had a rough past, and that had severed my ties with the old me. I wanted to become the girl I used to be. I wanted to be happy. I wanted solace.
          It started with that, my journey to achieve the impossible, twas at that point of time.
          Inspite of the hard times, broken dreams, broken me, I never lost faith in God, the Ultimate power, the One who I am answerable to. That kept me going. The undying faith I have in God is because of my mother. She is the one who taught me to be close to God, by praying following our duties, etc. It’s her, if you ask who my mentor is. And I guess it answers all your questions. Blessing hand is above all. Have faith. Have faith in that Hand and have faith in yourself.

          Liked by 1 person

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