Life is how we take it!

Ups and downs

That’s what life is!

As the time winds

“Enjoy”! That’s what fun is…


Lovely, as it seems,

It’s not that good;

You can dream

But it is as tough as life in woods.


Others will never make way

We have to find it on our own..

Must wait night and day,

Otherwise would end up alone!


In the midst of darkness

Lies only our faith

In God and in ourselves …

We can win the light of victory. 


It’s upon us how we take it!

Be patient and be willing

And remember:

“Try try till you succeed”

As for sure one day

Success will itself come at your doorstep.


Ups and downs

That’s what life is!

As the time winds…..

“Work Hard” ! That’s what fun is.

By  Shambhavi Vaidya

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